Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nursing pillow

Nursing pillow

I had a store bought one of these nursing pillows with Natalie, and I loved it. It was great when the boys wanted to hold her, great for tummy time, great for nursing, and great for when she was learning to sit up. Just like everything else, I got rid of it when we no longer needed it. I now find myself needing another one. ;) Well, I turned to the internet for some tutorials, after pricing them out at the store. $20-$30!! For a pillow! How crazy. I had this leftover fabric from the carseat canopy, and decided to use it for my pillow. It was easy to make, but hard to stuff. ;) Mainly because I hate hand sewing, so I tried to make the opening as small as possible...not a good idea for this project. This has been done for about 2 weeks now, and I still haven't sewn up the hole....told you I hate hand sewing....

I went to this awesome site and found a tutorial with a pattern for a pillow and a slipcover. I decided to just do the pillow. I don't need it to hold up really well, since this IS our last baby. If it gets trashed....oh well. It only costed me $7. :) This pattern piece was supposed to be placed on a fold, but I didn't have enough fabric to lay the pattern piece that way. So, I improvised, and if you look closely, you can see a seam down the middle of my pillow. I don't really care. No one is going to be examining it too closely, and I will only be using it at home anyway. I can't tell if it will fit properly yet or not, since I have a big 'ole belly still, but it is good enough. It fits the kids great! ;) What do you think? Cute right?

Carseat Canopy

Car Seat Canopy

When Natalie finally grew out of the infant carrier, I started seeing these carseat canopies all over the place. I was kind of bummed that I wouldn't be able to use one of them, since she was our last, but not all that bummed after I looked at the price of them. They run anywhere from $25-$60!!!! Holy Cow! I don't have that kind of cash! Especially for, in essence, a blanket that ties to your carseat. Oh well, I didn't have to worry about it. Fast forward 2.5 years. Surprise....here comes another baby! Well, at least I can use one of the carseat canopies now. :) I still was too cheap to buy one though, so I decided to look around for some tutorials. I found quite a bit of them out there on the good old internet. Most of them have little straps that velcro together over the handle, and they hold on that way. Then I found this tutorial over on While they Sleep , that uses ribbon to attach it to the carseat. I like that better. I hate sewing velcro. :) So, after I found out what I was having(a girl!! yay!!), and finally got in my crafty mode, and remembered to pick up some fabric at the store, I went to work making my own. :) There are so many variations for these out there, but I just wanted simple. I liked the ribbon ties, because I can take it off at church at put it on the floor for her to lay on, if I forget a blanket, and there won't be velcro there to scratch her. I can also tie her toys to the blanket, so they won't get lost or swiped by other kids. So, what do you think?

Friday, January 21, 2011


Well, this blog is mainly for myself. I will be writing down what I make from different tutorials that I find online, and just make mental notes about what I like and what I don't like, how I would change things, and maybe I will write a tutorial here and there about things that I have come up with. :)